@MeltingCameras is a gleeful inquiry into alchemy, chance, and photographic materials irreverent to the norms and tropes of image-making. Each melted camera represents time passed, and the marks made trace the flow of the process.
@MeltingCameras is a twist on camera-less photography where the camera's absence is symbolic and literal.
@MeltingCameras is and is not Caffenol. Despite using standard (and not-so-common) Caffenol recipes, folks on the Internet have adamantly proclaimed that @MeltingCameras is not Caffenol. "Non"-Caffenol recipes have included coffee, beets, pasta sauce, pineapple, orange, apple, cranberry juice, almond milk, plant waste, sweet tea, and blueberries mixed with vitamin C and washing soda to develop the Black & White paper.
@MeltingCameras is more interested in photographic materials and processes than gear and sunsets. History, research, and experimentation are primary. Presets, filters, and clichés are ignored.
@MeltingCameras is an acknowledgment that time moves on regardless of observation
@MeltingCameras is the social media handle that documents the image-making process of this project. Caffenol recipes frozen into the shape of a camera melt daily and stream online.
@MeltingCameras' breakout viral video "Frozen Asparagus Camera" has reached over a million views across TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube. It continues to confuse and confound unsuspecting viewers.
@MeltingCameras ended Friday, December 31, 2021
@MeltingCameras is on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch.
@MeltingCameras complete image archive is available by clicking this link 1/4/2021 - 12/31/21
Follow this link for further explanation